Qu'est-ce que the kind older sister is no more ?

"The kind older sister is no more" is a phrase that suggests that the sister who used to be kind or compassionate has changed or transformed. It implies that the sister's personality or behavior has taken a different direction, possibly becoming less caring or considerate.

This phrase could refer to a specific situation where something happened to cause the sister to change, such as a traumatic event or a personal experience that impacted her perspective. Alternatively, it can describe a gradual change in her personality over time, where her kindness has diminished.

It is worth noting that without further context, it is difficult to determine why or how the sister has changed. However, the phrase implies a certain level of disappointment or sadness, as it showcases the contrast or disconnect between her previous kind nature and her current state.

Overall, "the kind older sister is no more" portrays a transformation in someone's character, particularly in their ability to show kindness and compassion.